Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm alive, really

It has been so long since I posted anything that I had to re-enter my username and password into Blogger. It had forgotten me! wah! But then, I had nearly forgotten it, so I guess it was mutual. Sorry for the long periods of silence. When I have been at my computer at home, I have had nothing to say (still don't), and when I have something to say, I am not at the computer. Such are the trials and tribulations of modern life.

A perk of modern life - I just purchased my first ringtone, a nice recording of birds in the forest in Costa Rica. This website has links for ringtones of birds that are much closer (i.e., within 10 miles of here), but they are not available for Verizon phones. Phooey. So I found something similar on the Verizon website. yay! And also, I have reached my Weight Watchers goal, which is just dandy. The news effectively put the cabash (kabash? kabosh? cabosh? Blogger likes none of them) on my plans for a nice peanut butter and sugar snack. I knew that wasn't really what I wanted for my snack, but I haven't yet found what I really want. Anyway, Weight Watchers helped me celebrate by lowering my daily point value, the bastards.

Now I'm hungry.

1 comment:

becky said...

Congratulations on reaching your weight watchers goal! Yay!!!! I'd be so tempted to celebrate with food. Funny how that works.