Saturday, May 31, 2008


It is still May for a few more hours yet. Tomorrow is June, the month when the stress is supposed to all dissipate because all the reports will be in and done. It is not as clean as that, though, and everything is dragging on, so the stress continues, but it's not too bad. It helps that I finally have a non-horrible diagnosis for why I have been feeling tired, nauseated, dizzy, and tingly since before Christmas. It's not multiple sclerosis. It's not chronic fatigue syndrome. It's not a tumor. It's an inner ear disorder of unspecified everything. It might be problems actually in the vestibule. It might be damage to the vestibular-auditory nerve. It could have been caused by shoddy materials. Or my concussion 4 years ago (some gifts keep on giving). Or a virus. Or maybe it's something else. Anyway, I have been doing vestibular therapy, which consists of eye and neck exercises, and sitting up and lying down quickly. The problem is that I don't do them nearly as much as I am supposed to. The first eye exercise has really helped (or maybe it's a coincidence), so although I am still dizzy and kind of tingly, I haven't been as diligent as I should be with the exercises. And I haven't done any of them today. oops.

Here is poem, written to my friend Carol:

"Poor Toe"

A battle between wall and toe.
Wall won.
I thought of you.

That's all. Carol might understand it because she broke her toe months ago. Or she might not.

Did you hear about how cute and lovable walruses are? They are the sweethearts of the pinniped world.

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