Friday, October 17, 2008

looking ahead

This morning, I had to reschedule my dentist appointment from next Monday to sometime later. Shingles and lying in a dentist's chair and being all contagious just don't go well together, and probably it hurts, too. And I bet the hygienist wouldn't be so thrilled. So I rescheduled for Monday, Nov. 3. And now I am worried - what if something happens to me in the dentist's chair or while I am en route to or from the dentist, and I can't vote the following day? Scary thought. Calming thought: Kitsap County does vote-by-mail for everyone. Given the number of political signs out for some local person today, I figured the ballots were coming today. Nope, but it should come before the 3rd, so I have a chance. In the meantime, I'm dealing with my second bout of shingles in 25 years, and I am really too young to be able to say that. The upside is that I am no longer worrying about possible scopolamine toxicity. And I am allowing myself to eat ice cream and Wheat Thins. I'm the only person I know who gains weight when sick.

Added Saturday morning: It turns out that my ballot really did arrive yesterday, as I suspected. I just hadn't looked at my mail carefully. The ridiculously easy geo-quiz questions on the National Geographic that arrived yesterday put all thoughts of the rest of the mail out of my head. So did the itchiness and tickliness of my torso. gaaaaaaaaaah! I ate all the ice cream ... yesterday. oops.

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