Saturday, June 30, 2007

They may be insane

Have you heard about the new FAA dress code for air traffic controllers? They may be insane.
I mean, honestly, who cares what these people wear, as long as they wear something? These are highly stressed out people, and I want them to be comfortable while they direct planes and keep lots and lots of people from dying horrible, firey deaths. If a man wants to wear bright turquoise pants, I say, let him. If he wants to pair his bright turquoise pants with a bright tropical shirt, possibly with a pink flamingo pattern, then I say, go for it! As long as it does not distract co-workers from doing their job. And another thing, what's with the prohibition on listening to the radio for severe weather forecasts?! I really want these people to know about oncoming tornadoes and things. I really, really do.


becky said...

I'm with ya on that one! What silliness. I definitely want these people to wear the most comfortable clothes on EARTH, given the importance of their havin' a clear head when doin' their jobs. Bring on the sweatsuits!

Kenny P. said...

I've always been thankful, because I can wear a diaper and a bathrobe to work if I want to.

rbuchanan said...

Diapers and a bathrobe - that really is the best way to work. Nice of them to let you do that.