Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Now it's just frustrating

To follow up from yesterday, apparently when this happens you are supposed to put a fraud alert on yourself at all the big credit reporting agencies, which is amazingly easy. Do it at one, and they will alert the others. That's nice. And the FTC has a website on identity theft (which I hope this is not) and on fraud (which this appears to be). If you want that website, here it is: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/microsites/idtheft/ (even underlined in blue - I hope the link works). They have forms and information. I haven't filled out the forms yet, but I printed them out, so I guess I know what I'll be doing tomorrow evening. Fun fun.

I tried calling the computer company several times, but unless you have a service code or an account number or something like that, you can't talk to ANYBODY. There is no way to get to a human on their phone service if you have a generic complaint like I do. Or if there is a way, they do not make it obvious. I am at the point where I could spit nails at them, if only they would feel it. aargh! All the insults that I am willing to put here would actually insult entire species who have never hurt me, and so I can't even call them (computer co.) names. Oh yeah, they're evil. I'll just call them Mr. VP.

1 comment:

becky said...

Oh, I feel for ya, man! I've had stuff like that, where it's totally incredibly unbelievably imperative that I talk to a human being, and NO. Just a stupid menu with options I'd never use in a HUNDRED YEARS!!!! FUCK THEM, man. You know, there is one trick you could try--if you dial "0" that MIGHT get a human being (sometimes works, sometimes doesn't).