Friday, March 30, 2007

dead computer

The computer must have noticed me saying nasty things about its maker, because now it won't even turn on. I push the power button, and nothing happens. So I will be talking to Dell, after all. And I will probably be sending my nice new computer back to them and trying again. I'm not happy. But I did see two eagles today, hovering over my apartment and talking to each other. Maybe they are thinking about moving in. And then I managed to get back up to my office on the 18th floor this afternoon (with lunch!) in the short window of time when we were allowed on the stairs during the Burst Water Pipe Incident on the 14th floor . If I had had my ferry pass and phone and ipod and keys, I would have just gone home, but they were on the 18th floor. And I got a work-out at the same time. Which then lead to chocolate, of course.


katiebird said...

A friend of mine got a Dell laptop recently and its power connector caught fire when she plugged it in. After a looonng call to tech support ("Can you access the Internet?" "No, it's on fire." "Can you log into Windows?" "No, it's on fire.") they promised to send a replacement.

Dell is located where I live, and from all I hear they are hell to work for. Constant "reorganization," annual layoffs, managment by terror, etc. I'm typing this on a Dell, BTW.

becky said...

It's so strange, cuz everywhere I look, it's Dell computers. That's what my school has. It surprised me to find out that such a ubiquitously (is that a word?) used computer/computer company is so crappppppppppppy. Man, you're having a shitty week.