Monday, November 5, 2007

not much to say

It's Monday, and I had forgotten that I had a blog. So sad. Poor little neglected blog. I have nothing very interesting to say. I am trying to stick to the Weight Watchers thing, and my motivation goes up and down. I couldn't exercise this weekend because I have a sore leg muscle (the same muscle that marked the beginning of the end of my productive time at the gym, though there have been many since then), and I had bad cramps and all the things they entail.

I dream of cake and cookies and things like that. I dream that I am making them, or that they are just here and I will get to eat them. I never actually do eat them in my dreams, but I look forward to it. It's odd, because in real life I would not have had cake since I started at WW, and I may or may not have made cookies. Probably not, but maybe. And it's not as if I have sworn off them forever. I intend to have some at the right time, and other yummy things, too. And I have apple cranberry crisp in my fridge right now (and am not eating it right now, amazingly - we'll see how long that lasts!). When I first got my nut allergy, I dreamt about nuts. Mostly I dreamt about eating them and then freaking out, whereas the cake dreams are about the anticipation. And they are beautiful cakes, too. And I am looking forward to Mom's birthday cake, which was featured in last night's dream. I would never dream (ha!) of foregoing that cake. But I wonder if I am mourning cake and cookies. Actually, it's mostly cake. Cake that I get maybe two or three times a year - it hasn't been a big part of my diet. I should be mourning cookie dough, but I guess I haven't really given that up. Weird.

I also dreamed about upside-down six-gilled sharks and humpback whales and orcas and things like that, right outside the little dinghy I was riding in. Very exciting!

Mom and Dad are leaving for Italy tomorrow, so now I will be nervous until I hear that they are safely at home again. Someone said that worrying was the one kind of prayer he approved of. Who was that?


becky said...

Hey, yeah, you could not eat, say for example, macaroni and cheese for a year and not notice it, but as soon as a doctor or something sez you cain't have it, then you really want it. Or, like, when a doctor sez to fast the night before a procedure (starting at, say midnight); you probably wouldn't even think about eatin' at that time, anyway, but not bein' allowed somehow makes ya miss it even more. Those cake-dreams sound nice.

CMadren said...

I know it's not the same, but I recently had some oatmeal cookies made with applesauce instead of sugar, and were actually quite tasty!

Cake dreams do sound nice — is that like visions of sugarplums dancing in your head? :)

rbuchanan said...

Yes, the dreams were nice. The first one featured a large coconut cake that you, Carrie, would have loved. I was looking forward to it. Sugarplums and macaroni and cheese will be next!