Monday, October 29, 2007

WW trepidations

So, I have now lost 7 pounds on Weight Watchers, and I am impressed, because despite trying for years on my own, I have never managed to do that. All sorts of exciting dreams of pretty clothes that actually look good on me are floating in my head. But I'm not there yet (and losing weight will not make my head, hands, or feet any smaller [the opposite, probably], nor even out other parts of my anatomy). And it seems like most people who lose weight with Weight Watchers proceed to gain it all back, plus much more. What's with that? I gather that is par for the dieting course. But then, we aren't supposed to diet, we are supposed to make lifestyle changes. So Weight Watchers must not be guiding their clients on that transition very well. They definitely seem to be on the diet path, rather than the lifestyle change path. (Of course, their solution would be that everyone should stick with them for life, and pay the not inconsequential monthly fee, too.) So I'm trying to make these changes lifestyle changes. I don't think I could eat like this for the rest of my life, because one must eat out and one must eat super rich and gooshy food occasionally. But I am hoping that I can keep that to special occasions, and limit the serving sizes when I do. So far, I have eaten out and done okay (I guess). I haven't had the gooshy food temptation yet, mostly because I do not have any in the house and haven't had time to think about making any. Also, since the WW thing is new (and costly), I am trying to make it work, so no gooshy food. But what happens with the cookie dough munchies strike? Okay, so I do have a plan for that. But what about Christmas and Thanksgiving, for pete's sake? Part of the joy of Christmas is Mom's birthday, with cake and steak - it's a perfect meal, really. And you can say that I should just have a small piece of cake, but now really, is that what I will want? No, I will want to indulge in it, which means having a large gooshy piece of cake and eat it all and want more (at inappropriate times, even if not immediately). Sigh. We'll be driving on Mom's birthday, anyway, but that just raises the question of when and where the cake will be. There must be cake.

And Halloween is Wednesday. Scary!


becky said...

Congrats on the 7 pounds! Yeah, keeping it off, that's the tough part. I've heard good things about the, what was it? Sonoma diet? I can get back to you on that. I know a couple people on it, and it sounds the most like a lifestyle change that I've heard of, in terms of the fad-diets out there. Cool.

katiebird said...

I have fallen off the WW wagon after only a week & need to get back on it, wah! I only lost 2 lbs...