Sunday, April 1, 2007

alternative power source

Whatever is true about Dell financial people and Dell management, the technical support people I have spoken to have been very kind and helpful. Well, kind, anyway. Keith and I spent about an hour yesterday afternoon playing with the innards of my computer, yanking things from the motherboard and trying to figure out what was wrong. It's the power source, thinks Keith. I think he may be right. So some tech person from Dell is coming to my apartment sometime in the hopefully new future, new power source in hand (the sun, perhaps?), and he or she will hook it up and put the innards of my computer back together. They are going to call me tomorrow to set it all up. We'll see. Of course, they don't come out on weekends, so I will have to take sick leave for this, which ain't grand. Still, there is hope, and now I know what the inside of a computer looks like. It's mostly air.

In other news, the low bass sound that I have been hearing at night, that sounds like a car stereo, or maybe an idling car, has been growing more prevalent. Now, I hear it outside my apartment as well as inside, and in the daytime as well as at night. It is more constant, too. I still cannot figure out what it is. I'm beginning to think (a) personal ghosts that ride around with me but are generally centered in my apartment, or (b) hufflelumps (sp??). I may be going insane, and this is just the first symptom.

Might get snow tonight! happy spring!


becky said...

Shit, that's nice you're at least dealin' with nice people, anyway. But, mannnnn-alive. What a pain in the arse. I feel for ya about those low bass sounds; that particular band o' frequencies drives me nutty-fruity cuz it just plain old vibrates my skull.

Kenny P. said...

It's the tell-tale heart (of your dead computer, that is)! I'm sure you haven't killed any old folks.

rbuchanan said...

I've been afraid of something like that (tell-take heart). What have I done???