Saturday, March 24, 2007

Is that the title of everyone's first post? I bet it is. How exciting to have a blog, like almost everyone else I know. The hardest part (which most of you already know, since you already have a blog) is picking the title. Phronistery, phrontistery, whatever, there are red squiggly lines under both of them. One of them, or maybe both, means "a thinking place" or "a place to study." It really has nothing to do with fish, but fish that are friendly could study and think here, if they could somehow enter the internet.

Why friendly fish? Because fish have friends, just like you and me. When fish school (some fish, anyway), individual fish tend to get together with the same other individual fish each time! So they have friends. And a fish that moves from one school to another can teach the new school techniques to deal with predators that are new to the new school but old to the old school. How 'bout that? And, fish release gases from bodily orifices other than their mouth... just like humans. And dogs. So, fish are just like you and me, but without opposable thumbs. Had to be said.

Let's post this and see what it looks like! Cool.


becky said...

Cool, man! It's hard to pick a title. I usually wait till after I've written a buncha stuff and the title sorta evolves organically outta the content o' the text. Even so, often times the title only applies to the last part of the thing I post. Congrats on the new blog! Yay!

Kenny P. said...

I don't emit gas.

rbuchanan said...

I have often been afraid that I was the only one...