Friday, October 12, 2007

The Day It Should Have Been Done

Today is the day when the Report From Hell was supposed to be done. But it's not. It's in much better shape than it was in a few weeks ago, but it's not done. I wrote a horrible discussion section in a hurry yesterday, working from a nice, long outline, and got most of it done so I could give it (mostly) to my boss before he left on a business trip, so he could look at it before I sent it to the other coauthor, who will rip it to shreds. And my boss will also rip it to shreds, because I didn't get to even read it, let alone proofread it, before giving it to him. I know it sucks. I know it is way too long. Oh well. After doing that, my motivation today was in the dumps. I worked on references for the discussion section, which took all morning, even though I knew what they were already. Weird. And in the afternoon, it was all I could do to make myself work on fixing up the glossary, which is still not done. So I didn't get my big stressful thing done, but my boss doesn't seem to care. I hope that means he really is okay with it. I've been working on it, and it's better, but I wanted it out of my hair, at least temporarily, by today. Rats. It's hard to imagine what I did all week, but I recall working on it and being frustrated with it and all.

And then I joined Weight Watchers with my sister (because she asked, and I love her, and I need to lose weight more than she does), so now I am hungry. I cannot believe that my beef stew, homemade and chock full of veggies, is really 10 points. It was a nice big bowl, but I don't think 10 points is right. I haven't entered the recipe, and I don't know that I want to, because their point assignments are stupid. Sweet potatoes and regular potatoes get the same number of points, when everyone knows that sweet potatoes are much better for you than regular potatoes. Baby potatoes get few points, when they are worse for you. Sweet potatoes (baked, with salt) get fewer points than Sweet potatoes (cooked), or cooked without salt. Huh? So I didn't enter 10 points for my beef stew. I entered 5 points, and now I get some extra points because I also got some exercise. But do I really? I'm going to go use them, so I hope I really get them. The question is, what should I eat? And before you suggest anything silly like vegetables at 8:30 at night, let me just say this: no. I need some carbs and fat and protein and stuff. Just not too much...


becky said...

Yeah, man, I know whatcha mean, cuz, like, I wanted to be done with my internship poopy stuff by Monday and, um, like, that's so totally NOT gonna happen, not even close. So, yeah, I can guess how yer feelin' 'bout that report thingie, cuz, like, it sucks to have one o' those due dates and have too much to do to get it done by then. Man.

rbuchanan said...

Yeah, I hate that. We were both gonna be done by now, and it was gonna be good! rats.