Saturday, April 14, 2007


At the top of the screen, just below the toolbar, there might be a link called "Next blog." If you click it, you will get to another blogger or blogspot blog. I guess they are chosen randomly. I've been looking through some of them, and some are interesting, most are boring, some are not pleasant, and many are in languages other than English, which is nice. Spanish, Swedish (I think), and Russian, so far. I don't recommend clicking on the link with your young or otherwise impressionable children sitting with you, because sometimes (not often) something hostile or offensive comes up. Maybe I should flag those for blogspot, and tell them about it. Hmm. I didn't do that, I just clicked on to the next blog. And cleared my history.

What is with all the peeps videos?


becky said...

Wow, man, I don't think my blog service has that option. Sounds kinda cool. It's strange what's out there. Strange, strange-o, strange.

becky said...

Oh my GOD!!!! I tried that "next blog" thingy. It was oh, lord. A little teeny bopper tryin' to look sexy in a way that's, well, no. No, man. Parents should really monitor what their dumb kids do on the computer.

rbuchanan said...

I know! The internet is FULL of people being stupid. People engaging in risky behavior, and their parents should know better. oy vey!

rbuchanan said...

Here's something better than the "Next blog" link - click on the "Random blog" link (I think it's there). That one screens out the pornography (yay!), and it includes blogs from other providers, including livejournal where many cool people have their blogs. So that's nice.