Thursday, April 19, 2007

Motorcycle Diaries

I finally watched "The Motorcycle Diaries" this week, just finished it minutes ago. It's great. I liked it very much, and now I want to learn all about South America. The photography, the soundtrack, the acting, it was all excellent. And the scenery was fabulous. It makes me want to learn Spanish. I watched "Long Way Round" last year, which is also about two friends who take off on motorcycles on a long, long, long trip. LWR is a documentary, though, so you see Ewan MacGregor and Charley Boorman struggling through the Steppes of Asia for real, while TMD is a bona fide movie, and you get to see Gael Garcia Bernal and Rodrigo De la Serna pretend to be Che Guevara and Alberto Granado struggling across South America. But Ewan MacGregor and Charley Boorman had a photographer and a support team that they met up with occasionally, while Che Guevara and Alberto Granado had nothing of the sort, only one bike, and it kicked the bucket part-way through. Both films are about male friendships and adventure, and they are both really nice. Go watch them. Plus, if you like dark-headed men, then you've got Ewan MacGregor and Gael Garcia Bernal. If you like light-headed men, you've got Charley Boorman and Rodrigo de la Serna. You can't go wrong either way. If you like women, you might have a problem.


becky said...

Thanks for the movie recommendations! I've never driven a motorcycle. Too chicken.

becky said...

I like the pictures on the sidebar! I wanted to comment on it, but there ain't a place to do that, so I'll comment on it here.

rbuchanan said...

Thanks! I like the photos, too. Maybe I should have included them in a post instead on the side. I took the sunrise photo from someone's website and I feel guilty. But it's so nice, and I do in fact see that view many times each year.